Custom Orders
Make it personal
Let's collaborate!
How awesome to create your "soul" disc a la carte! Nothing would give me greater satisfaction than knowing I designed that one pristine disc with only you in mind. Talk to me. I have half a dozen very popular designs. Rift dye, Splice dye, Freestyle wave, Amoeba dye, Anemone dye, etc.. Leave the rest to me. This is where I sit down and trick out your disc...or as I say... Make it personal!
Message me and we'll make it happen.
Custom Personalized Dye
Here's how it works:
You tell me exactly what disc you want including weight and I buy it. I customize it for you and you pay $25 plus the cost of the disc. I ship to you free which saves you additional postage.
You send me any disc (must be dye friendly) and I customize it for $25. Free shipping to you.